Giani Velcreaux - Giani on the Riviera (53.39 MB)
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Italobot podcast 01 : Giani on the Riviera
01. Tropique - Muriel Dacq
02. Fotonovela - Ivan
03. I'm In Love - Patty Johnson
04. Bolero - Fancy
05. Touch in the Night - Silent Circle
06. Dolce Vita - Ryan Paris
07. Hey Hey Guy - Ken Laszlo
08. Happy Song - Happy's Gang
09. I Want You - Gary Low
10. Lancelot - Valerie Dore
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The first installment of the italobot podcast featuring our very own Giani Velcreaux (that's me). I hope to start getting more mixes up here from different folks so subscribe to italobot.com on Itunes or via blogger.