Well nobody said it was easy raising a kid and it sure as heck doesn't leave a lot of time for making music and posting blog entries. Sorry for the hiatus but things have been crazy but it doesn't keep me from obsessing about music in all shapes and forms. And luckily this weekend I became aware of a San Francisco phenomenon that got me lifted. Sweater Funk hosts a free Sunday evening basement jam every Sunday after 9pm at the Li Po Lounge in Chinatown. I checked it out yesterday with my brothers and it was one funky get together. They also do a show every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at the Triple Crown on Market and Octavia.
I only recently moved to San Francisco from NYC and it turns out that this town is full of great underground parties for fans of Old School Boogie R&B and Italo. Another fun night is the Italo Tuesdays by DJ Chilidog every Tuesday at the Triple Crown.
If you know about a great Italo or Boogie DJ night in your town feel free to send me the information and I'll get it up here.