
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fun Fun, Ivagna Spagna, Antonella Pepe and Angela Parisi *

Ivagna Spagna's Easy Lady opens with a tremendous promise of something kind of funky and it transforms into look at me Italo. A fun track that works hard for the money, Easy Lady was Ivana Spagna's first single as Spagna after performing and writing with 'Fun Fun' the Italo duo that produced the impeccable 'Happy Station.'

Easy Lady - Spagna

Happy Station - Fun Fun

Happy Station is 83 Italo at its best. One part hip hop two parts Euro-discoteque decadence. My, not-always-reliable, sources wikipedia and discogs disagree slightly on her role in Fun Fun. Make sure to check out Antonella Pepe and Angela Parisi who are both credited in Fun Fun's line up. Antonella sang back up in one of my favorite tracks 'Go On Do It' by Victor (featured on podcast 2) and Via Verdi's 'Diamond.'

Spagna - Easy Lady (download)

Fun Fun - Happy Station (download)

Fun Fun - Happy Station (Scratch Version) (download)